Sonork IPC API
The Sonork IPC API (Inter Process Channel Communication) enables developers to embed presence detection and localization, instant messaging, multi-user conferencing, file transfer and other P2P functionality into their desktop or web applications. IPC-enabled applications can also use the IM network as a localization agent and transport for its own data without implementing or embedding an actual messenger and a directory.
Empower your applications and users to see who is available on the network
Build data transfer and sharing functions into your programs
Enhance workgroup effectiveness by providing presence detection, instant messaging, file transfer, multi-user conferencing and other functionality
Enable real-time online support for your products and services
The Sornok IPC API allows third party applications to link with running instances of the Sonork Server to obtain user lists, send messages and find and communicate with other IPC-enabled applications. Programming with the IPC can provide you and your application with powerful built-in functionality by enabling you to create a client-side application built to address your particular requirements.
Additional information and downloads are available in the DevZone.