The Sonork Enterprise Instant Messenger (EIM) is designed to meet the special requirements of communication within corporations and companies wishing to exchange instant messages with other companies for business purposes. Public and remotely hosted IM networks (e.g. AIM, MSN, Yahoo!) are not the best choices as Enterprise solutions because they cannot address security concerns adequately.
Why should i deploy EIM in my Enterprise?
With over 125 million users of unsecured public network services in the workplace, infiltration of Instant Messaging into the Enterprise is already a reality. Widespread adoption of secure enterprise instant messaging systems for business is inevitable and happening now. Some of the inherent rationale for this organic evolution toward EIM can be abstracted as follows:
Real-time communication and file transfers with colleagues, suppliers and customers enhance business relationships
Costs associated with long-distance phone and fax usage, travel, overnight deliveries and email attachments are dramatically reduced
Accurate records of all conversations & file transfers through the network are stored for the end user and administrator
Achieves complete control over out-of-control unsecured IM usage, reducing corporate security violations
Ability to allow or prohibit employees to use IM inside or outside the network, and enforce the use of professional screen names
Protects against snooping and denial of service attacks that are possible when staff uses public messaging services
Enhances customer/client services and collaborative information management efforts across dispersed organizations
Better control over how intellectual property and sensitive information is communicated inside and outside the organization
Increased accountability for users by mapping screen names with corporate employee Ids or other permissions-based systems