Facts & Figures
Instant Messaging is the fastest growing segment of the Internet. Just like the email before it, Instant Messaging further increases the efficiency and effectiveness of business communications. Having already infiltrated the enterprise, it is expected to continue its exponential growth
IM usage at work increased by 110% over the last year
- Jupiter Media Research, November 2001
Over 125 million people are currently using public IM services in the workplace
- Chela Trend Watch, March 2002
Public IM services will be found in 70% of enterprises by 2003, posing significant security risks
- Gartner IM Trends, October 2001
90% of businesses will use IM by 2004
- Gartner IM Trends, October 2001
Global corporate IM usage is expected to increase from 18.4 million users in 2001 to over 229 million users in 2005
- IDC, November 2000 Doc #23550
Corporate IM is expected to replace 65% of email usage by 2004
- Information Week, September 2001
Business IM usage will account for 50% of all instant messaging by 2004
- IDC, November 2000 Doc #23550
Corporate IM usage is expected to account for nearly 60% of all online traffic by 2005
- Ferris Research, September 2001
Public Instant Messaging Statistics |
There are currently over 500 million IM users worldwide
- IDC, September 2000 (ICMM 6.3)
255,000 new users subscribe to IM services each day
- IDC, September 2000 (ICMM 6.3)
There will be over 726 million IM users by 2004
- IDC, September 2000 (ICMM 6.3)
90% of the U.S. online population will be regularly using IM in 2003
- Jupiter Media Metrix, 2001
Currently there are over 15 billion instant messages are sent each month. By 2005, this is projected to grow to over 95 billion
- META Group - September 2001
The average user spends 75 minutes per day utilizing IM
- AOL reports for AIM/ICQ, February 2001
IM is not just for teens anymore
20% of 5-12 year olds use IM
61% of 13-17 year olds use IM
49% of 19-35 year olds use IM
48% of 35-49 year olds use IM
47% of 50+ year olds use IM
- Jupiter Research, Jan. 2002
People who chat online are among the heaviest users of the Internet
Chatters generate twice as many online sessions as the general Internet user
Chatters are online more than 17 days per month
Chatters clicked on an average of 4.8 banners in December 2000, almost double that of the Internet population
54% of Chatters use audio/video streaming
- Jupiter Research, Jan. 2002 |