What does container.inc do exactly?

container.inc is just a container for other includes. It was introduced to package all includes into one file. All the includes which are in the container.inc dont have other includes itself. This mean there are only 2 include levels, the first is the container.inc and the second level are the includes inside container.inc. There is no 3. level. Below the content of container.inc:

      /* $Id: coding_addmodule.xml,v 1.5 2003/03/14 14:24:58 k-fish Exp $ */
      require_once(SMARTY_DIR . "Smarty.class.php");
      // definition of moregroupware class, holding application vars
      include(INCLUDEPATH . 'mgw.class.inc');
      // functions for translation
      include(INCLUDEPATH . 'lang.inc');
      // array for tracking file revision number used in sql error report screen
      $Revisions_array = Array();
      // important functions like connect to database
      include(INCLUDEPATH . 'userfunc.inc');
      // definition of moregroupware version and label
      include(INCLUDEPATH . 'version.inc');
      // Auto-Assigns for template engine and global definitions
      include(INCLUDEPATH . 'appconfig.inc');
      // include module specific functions if present (they are now in module/inc)
      // must be named module_func.inc.php (i.e. calendar_func.inc.php)
      if(file_exists(ROOTPATH . "/modules/" . $myEnv["module"]. "/inc/" . $myEnv["module"] . "_func.inc.php")) {
      include(ROOTPATH . "/modules/" . $myEnv["module"] . "/inc/" . $myEnv["module"] . "_func.inc.php");
      // help system
      if(file_exists(ROOTPATH."/modules/".$myEnv["module"]."/help/index.".$MGW->spkz.".html")) $smarty->assign("helpurl", $myEnv["module"]."/help/index.".$MGW->spkz.".html");
      elseif(file_exists(ROOTPATH."/modules/".$myEnv["module"]."/help/index.en.html")) $smarty->assign("helpurl", $myEnv["module"]."/help/index.en.html");
      elseif(file_exists(ROOTPATH."/modules/general/help/index.".$MGW->spkz.".html")) $smarty->assign("helpurl","general/help/nohelp.".$MGW->spkz.".html");
      else $smarty->assign("helpurl","general/help/nohelp.en.html");
      // include module autoexecution of several things like translation, authentication, and more
      include(INCLUDEPATH . 'module_exec.inc');

In the next sections, we show the meanings of each include.