What is the config.inc.php file?

the config.inc.php file will be created by the setup routine. It defines several important parameters which are needed by the moregroupware framework. All parameters are in a hashmap called $appconf. Below you can see an config.inc.php example:

      // this file is auto-generated by setup, only modify if you are sure what you do
      // Config File
      // Moregroupware.org
      // programmed by Marc Logemann
      // 01/04/01 (c)
      $appconf["dbvendor"] = "mysql";
      $appconf["dbhost"] = "localhost";
      $appconf["dbuser"] = "mgwuser";
      $appconf["dbpassword"] = "mgwpass";
      $appconf["dbname"] = "moregw";
      $appconf["rooturl"] = "http://localhost/moregroupware";
      $appconf["rootpath"] = "/home/apache/moregroupware";
      $appconf["theme"] = "default";
      $appconf["auth_method"]= "sql";
      $appconf["auth_ldaptype"]= "0";//0 for openldap; 1 for ADSI
      $appconf["auth_ldaphost"] = "";
      $appconf["auth_ldapbase"] = "";
      $appconf["auth_ldapuid"] = "";
      $appconf["auth_ldappasswd"] = "";
      $appconf["auth_ldapsuffixe"] = "";
      $appconf["create_accounts_on_login"] = 0;
      $appconf["mgw_version"] = "";
      $appconf["mgw_releasedate"] = "";
      $appconf["def_language"] = "de";
      $appconf["def_charset"] = "iso-8859-1";
      $appconf["html_compressor"] = false;
      $appconf["html_compressor_debug"] = false;
      define("SMARTY_DIR", "/home/apache/mgw/include/smarty/");

Its important to know that in each script, that starts with the necessary lines described above, you have access to the $appconf hashmap in order to use this settings, you will often need things like $appconf["rooturl"] or $appconf["rootpath"]. There are also 2 constant definitions, you will perhaps use ROOTPATH or INCLUDEPATH in order to include a different file.