the file will be created by the setup routine. It defines several important parameters which are needed by the moregroupware framework. All parameters are in a hashmap called $appconf. Below you can see an example:
<?php // this file is auto-generated by setup, only modify if you are sure what you do // Config File // // programmed by Marc Logemann // 01/04/01 (c) $appconf["dbvendor"] = "mysql"; $appconf["dbhost"] = "localhost"; $appconf["dbuser"] = "mgwuser"; $appconf["dbpassword"] = "mgwpass"; $appconf["dbname"] = "moregw"; $appconf["rooturl"] = "http://localhost/moregroupware"; $appconf["rootpath"] = "/home/apache/moregroupware"; $appconf["theme"] = "default"; $appconf["auth_method"]= "sql"; $appconf["auth_ldaptype"]= "0";//0 for openldap; 1 for ADSI $appconf["auth_ldaphost"] = ""; $appconf["auth_ldapbase"] = ""; $appconf["auth_ldapuid"] = ""; $appconf["auth_ldappasswd"] = ""; $appconf["auth_ldapsuffixe"] = ""; $appconf["create_accounts_on_login"] = 0; $appconf["mgw_version"] = ""; $appconf["mgw_releasedate"] = ""; $appconf["def_language"] = "de"; $appconf["def_charset"] = "iso-8859-1"; $appconf["html_compressor"] = false; $appconf["html_compressor_debug"] = false; define("SMARTY_DIR", "/home/apache/mgw/include/smarty/"); define("ROOTPATH","/home/apache/mgw"); define("INCLUDEPATH","/home/apache/mgw/include/"); ?>
Its important to know that in each script, that starts with the necessary lines described above, you have access to the $appconf hashmap in order to use this settings, you will often need things like $appconf["rooturl"] or $appconf["rootpath"]. There are also 2 constant definitions, you will perhaps use ROOTPATH or INCLUDEPATH in order to include a different file.