Chapter 18. CVS and more.groupware development

more.groupware is developed by many different developers being located at different places. To make the source code available and manageable, we (like many others) use CVS (Concurrent Versions System, ). This chapter should introduce you to the most basic issues on this.

If you want to contribute actively, including direct write access to the CVS repository, you need to have a account. As soon as we have made you a project member, you can then access the CVS repository. This is described in detail over at .But here is a short summary for the impatient.

Use your username and password for your account in the appropriate places.

  1. Download WinCVS 1.2 Stable from and install it.

  2. Install a command line SSH/Win32 client. Use e. g. Alltheweb ftp to find the SSH/Win32 client. Download it and unpack it into a folder in your path (e.g. c:\windows). You can use this link to do the search directly: .

  3. To check out the sources now start WinCVS and

    1. go to Menu: Admin/Preferences

    2. set CVSROOT to

    3. set Authentication to SSH server

    4. go to menu: Create/Checkout module...

    5. set the module Name to mgw

    6. select folder you want to have the files in locally

Committing changes is as easy:

  1. Do the updates you want to the MGW file.

  2. Start WinCVS and use the inbuilt file browsing possibilities to find the file you will commit.

  3. Mark the file and choose Modify - Commit Selection to commit it. You should enter a log message to tell other people what you have done.

  4. Choose OK and write in your password followed by enter in the dos ssh window which pops up.

  5. The file will be submitted and you should get code 0 in the status field if everything went well.