Detailed installation instructions

Examples are using MySQL, Apache and general UNI* syntax! They may (or may not) work for your environment...

  1. Obviously you need a running webserver with support for PHP. If you don't have one yet, explaing how to install a webserver is beyond the scope of this document. You may find some hints in the documents explaining how to set up moregroupware on Win32 (see file "Windows" in docs directory) and RedHat (see file "RedHat" in docs directory) and at various places around the Internet (e.g. ).

  2. And you need a database server. See previous item for tips on how to install this.

  3. If you want, you can set up a virtual host for use with moregroupware exclusively. See your webservers documentation on how to do this. You should also consider using SSL to add security to your setup!

  4. Extract the moregroupware distribution archive to the desired location (i.e. to the document root of your (new) (virtual) host. You may safely rename the moregroupware folder to make typing in the URL faster, or to add some more "security through obscurity"

              #> cd /path/to/your/docroot/
              #> tar xzf moregroupware-x.y.z.tar.gz

  5. Make sure your webserver has the right to write to the moregroupware directory. This is needed to create the configuration file during setup, as well as the directories for template caching and the modules. The easiest way is to make the moregroupware directory world writable. Unfortunately this is the most insecure method as well, so you should consult your webserver's documentation on how to this in a more secure manner.

              #> chmod o+w moregroupware/
              #> chmod o+w moregroupware/setup/
              #> chmod o+w `find moregroupware/modules -type d -maxdepth 1`

  6. Create a database for use with moregroupware. If you cannot do this (e.g. because you are in a shared hosting environment and have no rights to do so), you may use an existing database - all tables created by moregroupware have a prefix of "mgw_". But creating an own database is by far the preferred method!

              #> mysqladmin -u root -p create moregroupware

  7. Create a database user for use with moregroupware. This user must have the rights to SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE in the moregroupware database. Furthermore the USER must be able to CREATE tables. During setup the user additionally needs DROP rights, which may be removed again after successful setup.

              #> mysql -u root -p mysql
              !> INSERT INTO user (host,user,password,select_priv,insert_priv,update_priv,
              delete_priv,create_priv,drop_priv) VALUES ('localhost','moregw',

  8. Now point your favourite browser to the setup directory (e.g. Follow these instructions during installation. If errors occur, the setup will (in most cases) tell you exactly what went wrong. You may fix the issue and repeat the last step, until you got everything right.

  9. After installation log into the system by calling the index page, for example with login "admin" and password "admin". You should change the admin password as soon as possible, because it's the default for all new installations. To do so go to "Admin" -> "Usermanager" and click on edit. You should also change the password for the remaining users.

  10. You may remove the DROP right on your database user now (it is only needed to check for CREATE right during setup). Leave the CREATE right in place!

              #> mysql -u root -p mysql
              !> UPDATE user set drop_priv='N' WHERE user='moregw';

  11. You should remove write permission for the webserver on the moregroupware folder now. Only the (template) cache directories need to be writable for the webserver from now on.

              #> chmod o-w moregroupware/
              #> chmod o-w moregroupware/setup/
              #> chmod o-w `find moregroupware/modules -type d -maxdepth 1`