Whether you install on Windows, Unix or Mac - you need to get the software somehow. This will show you the different ways to download more.groupware.
This is the recommended way of downloading more.groupware for most people. You can either go to the download page at moregroupware.org ,or use the Files section at sourceforge.net.
Either way, there are two flavours available, ZIP archives and gzipped TAR archives. You should download the ZIP archive only if you want to install on Windows, in all other cases you should go for the TAR archive. Note that most Windows software (including WinZip) can handle TAR archives just as well. The flavours are identical except for the archive format and the format of the line ends inside the source files (\n for TAR, \r\n for ZIP).
If you want to live on the bleeding edge, using the latest code available, but don't want to (or can't) use CVS directly to get the sources, download one of the nightly snapshots. They are available at the snapshots page at moregroupware.org .Be careful though, unless we recommend to do this, you are on your own with any problems that might arise from using snapshots.
![]() | Note |
The longer ago the last release took place, the more you might want to use a snapshot. But you might want to know what you are doing. |
Snapshots are only available as gzipped TAR archives. Note that most Windows software (including WinZip) can handle TAR archives just as well.
Directly downloading more.groupware from the CVS (Concurrent Versions System, see www.cvshome.org )repository gives you real-time access to the latest and greatest code available. You should note though, that it might be even buggier than the snapshots! You still want to do it via CVS? Here we go...
Download WinCVS
Download WinCVS 1.2 Stable from http://www.wincvs.org/ and install it.
Configure WinCVS for anonymous checkout and download
Start WinCvs.
Choose Admin - Preferences.
In the field "Enter the CVSROOT" you quote anonymous@cvs.moregroupware.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/moregroupware
Set Authentication to "passwd" file on the cvs server. Choose Ok.
Doing the download
Select Create - Checkout module
Set the module name to mgw and select a local folder to save the downloaded files
Install more.groupware
Now follow the appropriate instructions in this manual, according to your used operating system.