Oh dear, another groupware I hear you say, and yes you are right, there are many open source web-groupwares available, so why yet another project?
The answer is, we wanted a groupware that satisfies our needs, so we decided to program our own. The software was started at Morelogs GmbH in Germany, and at first there wasn't the idea to open source it. Back then we only wanted to have our own groupware, without any commercial interests.
There were some inquiries from business partners that wanted to have it, so we decided it would be a good step to open source it, because we just didn't want to sell it with the closed source modell.
So we started of to create the infrastructure for the project, picked up a productname and waited to see what would happen. We use it on a daily basis at morelogs right now.
So why use moregroupware? We created an easy to understand framework and we didn't blindly use 3rd party modules and try to incooperate them. We wrote main modules like calendar and contacts from scratch and therefore have no code overhead because of different approaches of different projects.
And the story still continues...